Aberdeen’s Eugenics Policies

They did it. They actually did it. The City of Aberdeen actually evicted the unhoused encampment…

City Council Members Riley Carter and Kacey Ann Morrison Doxx Local Organizer

On Saturday July 27th around 10pm a local organizer was made aware that they had just…

Solitude VS Isolation

From Thoreau to Fiorina: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to…

Relationships as Anarchy

Little Boxes in Need of a Hammer The act of relating to another human is inherently…

The Aberdeen IWW Is Back

After nearly one hundred years, we have returned to the Harbor to reclaim what is ours…our…

Judaica against Genocide: Staring Down the Monster in the Mirror and Ending a Cycle of Fascism

It is shaping up to be one of history’s most bizarre and disparate ‘monster in the…

Portland Public Schools management hires “elite” ex-military-run security firm

By Tereza Topferova Bottman Tereza Topferova Bottman is a public school teacher in Portland, Oregon. Originally…

AmeriKKKa First in Grays Harbor

Recently we have noticed multiple announcements for two meetings of a new group here in Grays…

Project 2025, A Handmaid’s Tale 2.0

A shadowy network of dangerous right wing think tanks and action committees have come together to…

The IWW and The Hobo, A History

It was an overcast and windy day on September 1st, 1908 in Portland, Oregon when a…