City Council Members Riley Carter and Kacey Ann Morrison Doxx Local Organizer

On Saturday July 27th around 10pm a local organizer was made aware that they had just been doxxed by a sitting City council member, Riley Carter. The supposed reason for this was that Riley and his wife Mya Hernandez mistakenly believed that a long time Facebook troll, known for harassing locals over petty things, was this organizer. Apparently, this troll had been making harassing and threatening comments to Mya on a review she left for our local hospital Harbor Regional Health over the recent tragic death of her baby during its delivery. So, Mya assumed that it was said organizer making these comments and threats and she guessed that it was them based on zero evidence. That was enough for Riley to take to his own private hate group on Facebook called, “HEY TWEAKERS OF ABERDEEN, WA I WANT MY SHIT BACK!!” to doxx this organizer and accuse them of threatening his wife.

They released their photo, their name, and Kacey Ann Morrison shared a photo of the front of their house. They mentioned the location of their house and goaded their followers towards hateful, disparaging,and threatening comments. This was the second time this particular organizer has been doxxed by Kacey Ann Morrsion, and this is at least the fourth total doxx for Kacey overall. She has posed, and continues to pose, a clear and present danger to our community, she is a danger to herself and others. This behavior is alarming and especially so since she is in a position of power. This hostile environment caused the council to recently strip Kacey Ann Morrison of her title of President of City council during a wild City council meeting that she missed for some unknown reason. This is far too little, far too late though. She needs to be removed from City council immediately and ran out of this town. She deserves no quarter for her consistent attacks on the unhoused and her near genocidal disregard for their lives.

So, after releasing this information on this organizer. The troll at the heart of this dilemma came to this organizer’s Facebook pages and began commenting about how people now think he is this organizer and are stalking their house. He commented to the organizer that they should “enjoy the fight I’ve set up for you”. These comments were public and this troll even tagged Mya and Riley so as to make sure they knew that these people were not the same person and they were blaming and harassing the wrong individual just because of their political differences.

We were as un-surprised as anyone when the next day Riley Carter was arrested for First degree R*pe of a Child. He confessed to this atrocity and apparently there is video evidence as well. A witness to the event called the police and the Sheriff conducted the arrest. He is now locked in county prison awaiting his arraignment on the 5th of August. We have obtained a letter from the affected organizer that they sent to City hall. It also includes links to all the screenshots in question released with permission of the organizer being targeted:

So here we are at last,

The vitriol and violent rhetoric coming from members of the Aberdeen City Council has reached a point that people are being put into real danger. I am writing to bring to your attention something that was brought to my attention this weekend. Two sitting council members have spent the last few days accusing me of things I never did without any evidence, harassing me and cajoling their followers to do the same, doxxing me, stalking me, and causing me to fear for my safety and the safety of my family. This is nothing new to me, it is a pattern of behavior going back several years now. However, they recently discovered my name, and thus my address, and workplace and have been publishing that information to their followers with the hopes of some sort of vigilante justice being served for a perceived offense that never was. I hardly need to tell you that I am referring of course to Kacey Ann Morrison and Riley Carter. They have repeatedly verbally harassed me for the volunteer work I do in the community for the unhoused. They believe that I am some sort of violent political extremist who is terrorizing them.

My volunteer work is well known on the streets of this City and consists of feeding and clothing and taking care of those in need. I love and care for the population they have deemed disposable, so their politics have led them to the point of probable defamation. Their conspiracy theories have no bounds any longer. Kacey’s obsession with me has escalated to the point where she drives past my yelling my name! Not to mention this is literally the second time she has doxxed me after her last PISSED OFF RANT POST that was published in the Daily World for it’s conspiracy theory about Sydney Newbill. Riley Carter recently “scoped my house out” for *checks notes* code violations. This is definitely not his job and I fear the only reason he was out front of my house was the situation I am writing to you about tonight.

So, on Saturday night at 10:08 PM I received a text from a friend that was a screenshot of a post made in a group started by Riley Carter about two years ago called, “HEY TWEAKERS OF ABERDEEN, WA I WANT MY SHIT BACK!”. This is a group that is well known to us to host horrendous, dehumanizing, and often violent posts and comments from people who generally blame the unhoused and the poor for every woe that Aberdeen has. Every crime, every assault, every business closure, its all because of the unhoused to the people who engage in this group. So there is my face looking back at me from a post in this hate group, alongside my name, and a post explaining that apparently I had just threatened Riley Carter’s wife, Mya Hernandez, on Facebook. This was news to me and I was horrified that a council member had just doxxed me in his own private hate group. I had no recourse, no way to report it or comment back that it wasn’t I who had done this. Along with this came a slew of hateful comments about me and talk about where I lived and what people would like to see happen to me. Kacey Ann Morrison helpfully added to the conversation by informing the group where I work. After much, much digging I was able to piece together what happened. The basic story is as follows:

1. Mya Hernandez, Riley Carter’s wife, made a post reviewing Harbor Regional Health on Facebook expressing her rage and sorrow at the tragic loss of her recently passed child.

2. A long time troll harassed this review with the most detestable responses about her loss and clearly made Mya incredibly angry.

3. A very long (175+ comments) comment thread ensues in which they fight back and forth about a great many things, and at some point Mya asks this Facebook troll who he is. She offers three choices: Me, my ex-wife, and my friend. Out of nowhere, completely unprompted we are all thrust into this situation. The troll sees an opportunity and takes it.

4. A mere two comments later Mya says that she will “guess” that it is me. She names me as the perpetrator of this disgusting barrage of mean comments, including apparently what she took as multiple threats towards her. (This part is somewhat hard to piece together fully as the troll’s comments have all been deleted, likely by Harbor Regional Health)

5. By this time Kacey Ann Morrison and Riley Carter had joined the fight. Kacey Ann Morrison then posted a picture of the front of my house taken from Google street view, in order to further identify the troll as me, and identifying me as living at that house. (She has since deleted this and other comments)

6. Riley Carter then went to his private Facebook group and posted that it was in fact me who had just threatened to punch his wife in the face. He told his followers to “look out for me” and gave them my full name. Commenters then proceeded to point out where I lived and Kacey offered the information of where I work to the crowd.

7. The troll, at this time, is coming to me over Facebook and saying things like “hey some people think I’m you and I would watch out” and telling me that they had been stalking my house and even tagging Mya so she could she that we weren’t the same person.

8. I engage with the troll (who has a history of harassing me on Facebook) and tell him to stop harassing people and that whatever he has gone through in his life is no excuse for his behavior. He says “Enjoy the fight I’ve set up for you”.

9. My ex-wife takes all of this information we have learned: that this is a known troll doing this harassment campaign not me, to Mya over Facebook messenger and asks her to stop posting things that endanger the lives of her family. She refuses to listen to the evidence and is more determined than ever that it must be me.

This is the extent of the immediate situation as best as I can garner. As you can see, two sitting City council members have released personal and identifying information about me based on a literal guess. They had zero evidence that it was me, and still do not. Making such an accusation against a private citizen, calling them out for having threatened your wife, and then publishing my information amounts to stochastic terrorism. The chance that Kacey Morrison or Riley Carter are going to come to my house and attack me are slim to none, I know this. My fear is the loose cannon of a follower who decides that they’ve had enough of whatever slights they perceive and based on the information those two published is then able to locate and harm me or my family. It makes violent harm statistically more likely to occur against us. This is also bound to cause irreparable damage to my reputation as a professional in this town and my mental and physical well-being are also put under threat. Threat from the anxiety and fear this situation has created in my household. Threat from the potential for some random unhinged person who doesn’t read the retraction but remembers that I like to punch women in the face deciding to hurt me.

So, inform your in-house counsel of this matter wont you? I am sure they have their hands full with those two already, but this is quite urgent. I hope that this matter is taken as seriously by the City of Aberdeen as I am taking it. I do not have what one might call “lawyer money” but I do hope to see some consequences from these actions, as they form what I have already mentioned is a pattern of behavior that should be addressed before more are hurt (many of my friends have already died on the streets due to inhumane policies from the Aberdeen City council). I have linked to the associated screenshots of everything I have described here in a Google Drive folder, I removed my personally identifying information from the posts because I do not know what you will do with them and I don’t want them spread any further than they already have been. I think that it can easily be shown that one if not both of these council members did:

1. Make a false statement of fact about me;

2. Cause harm to befall me, through their statements; and

3. Act with “reckless disregard for the truth” by making the statements.

This is, as I understand it, against one of those laws you all are so fond of. I am curious what your next steps are. Awaiting your reply.

Google Drive folder:


Considering the event of today (Riley Carter’s arrest on 1st degree R*pe of a Child) I think my point is driven ever home. This man is dangerous, these people are dangerous. Please take swift and decisive action when the people who are tasked with being our leaders and making our decisions for us are obviously and heinously unstable. These are not behaviors becoming any adult, much less someone holding themselves out to be a leader, bestowed with such power as you wield over the vulnerable in this City.

Organizers in this town are routinely harassed, stalked, followed, and threatened by our local fascist contingent. These people have been hunting down personal information and attempting to intimidate organizers out of their work for years now. We at Sabot Media have published multiple instances of this occurring. Yet the resolve of these organizers is as resilient as ever. They will not be swayed from their goal of providing mutual aid within a struggling community in daily crisis. This recent push to evict and criminalize the unhoused is only going to bolster their ranks and quicken their organizing efforts. Good luck to Kacey Ann as she spirals further down the rabbit hole of her special brand of Christian Nationalism. Hopefully she is hanging her head in shame after getting stripped of her title, missing the last City council meeting, and deleting all her Facebook accounts. We are not even close to pushing for this woman to be stripped of every iota of power she has.