We’re Back! Here’s What You Missed


S: This is Sprout

C: and this is Charyan, and we are the hosts of Molotov Now!, on The Channel Zero Podcast Network, thank you for joining us on this episode of the podcast.

S: if you like what we do here and want to support it, you can do that by going to linktr.ee/al1312 and clicking donate.

C: We are returning to you after a hiatus over the summer that saw us putting our writing hats down for some extended real world organizing.

S: We were delighted to be able to be involved in organizing this year’s Dual Power Gathering, which occurred outside of Portland this July. That and some situations going on personally made it so we could not record for the last couple of months. As you can probably tell by the sound quality this episode, we are not in our normal recording studio. We are in the process of moving to a bigger and better studio here soon, but are out of sorts for this episode, bear with us.

C: With that in mind, and seeing as though we recognize the necessity of pulling away from this work sometimes to focus on building our media project overall, we have decided to release Molotov Now! in season format going forward, so welcome to the first episode of season two of Molotov Now! Thanks for sticking with us!

S: That said expect Molotov Now! and Sabot Media generally to start putting out our typical anarchist content again here soon, and with some new additions to the roster for listeners to enjoy. Stay tuned!

C: We are never gone, just sometimes working hard on stuff in the background.

S: We have a lot to cover in this episode, having been gone for so long. We are choosing to forgo a guest spot this time in favor of recapping in detail the last few months of life here in Aberdeen, WA. What this has meant for organizing, the war on the unhoused, and local City politics.

C: That’s right, from genocidal City policies towards the unhoused in town, to revelations about child molestation from the same City councilor responsible for doxxing a local mutual aid organizer recently.

S: Stay tuned for that discussion plus a radical news run down, music, and more. Up next, an audio version of our newsletter The Communique, catching you up on all the relevant happenings in Grays Harbor County Washington right after this message from our sponsor.

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Welcome back to Molotov Now! It is time for the audio version of our newsletter The Communique, shared with you to keep folx not in our area up to date on the goings on of our small town, to break down borders and connect with radicals outside of county. To subscribe to the free monthly-ish newsletter simply send an email to the_communique-subscribe@lists.riseup.net. To add something to our newsletter, whether its an upcoming event or action, a mutual aid request, or a story you think is worth sharing email us at sabot_media@riseup.net.

The Communique:

From Sabotage Noise Productions:

In Bremerton:


In Aberdeen:






July was hot. Even here on the coast, we had multiple days over 85 degrees. They say heat makes me people act crazy, and maybe that’s what happened here. Folx got their brains cooked and forgot their humanity. Or maybe that rising tide of fascism has reached a rolling boil, and the fascist-liberal bargain is laid bare as people witness the United States imperialist machine helps grind Gaza into dust. Whatever it was this month ended up being quite the nightmare here in Aberdeen. From pedophile city councilors to the war on the unhoused we are going to try and round up the last month here in Aberdeen.

City Council Members Riley Carter and Kacey Ann Morrison Doxx Local Organizer

On Saturday night around 10pm a local organizer was made aware that they had just been doxxed by a sitting City council member, Riley Carter.The supposed reason for this was that Riley and his wife Mya Hernandez mistakenly believed that a long time Facebook troll, known for harassing locals over petty things, was this organizer. Apparently, this troll had been making harassing and threatening comments to Mya on a review she left for our local hospital Harbor Regional Health over the recent tragic death of her baby during its delivery. So, Mya assumed that it was said organizer making these comments and threats and she guessed that it was them based on zero evidence. That was enough for Riley to take to his own private hate group on Facebook called, “HEY TWEAKERS OF ABERDEEN, WA I WANT MY SHIT BACK!!” to doxx this organizer and accuse them of threatening his wife.

They released their photo, their name, and Kacey Ann Morrison shared a photo of the front of their house. They mentioned the location of their house and goaded their followers towards hateful, disparaging,and threatening comments. This was the second time this particular organizer has been doxxed by Kacey Ann Morrsion, and this is at least the fourth total doxx for Kacey overall. She has posed, and continues to pose, a clear and present danger to our community, she is a danger to herself and others. This behavior is alarming and especially so since she is in a position of power. This hostile environment caused the council to recently strip Kacey Ann Morrison of her title of President of City council during a wild City council meeting that she missed for some unknown reason. This is far too little, far too late though. She needs to be removed from City council immediately and ran out of this town. She deserves no quarter for her consistent attacks on the unhoused and her near genocidal disregard for their lives.

So, after releasing this information on this organizer. The troll at the heart of this dilema came to this organizer’s Facebook pages and began commenting about how people now think he is this organizer and are stalking their house. He commented to the organizer that they should “enjoy the fight I’ve set up for you”. These comments were public and this trolleven tagged Mya and Riley so as to make sure they knew that these people were not the same person and they were blaming and harassing the wrong individual just because of their political differences.

We were as unsurprised as anyone when the next day Riley Carter was arrested for First degree R*pe of a Child. He confessed to this atrocity and apparently there is video evidence as well. A witness to the event called the police and the Sheriff conducted the arrest. He is now locked in county prison awaiting his arraingment on the 5th of August. We have obtained a letter from the affected organizer that they sent to City hall. It also includes links to all the screenshots in question released with permission of the organizer being targeted:

So here we are at last,

The vitriol and violent rhetoric coming from members of the Aberdeen City Council has reached a point that people are being put into real danger. I am writing to bring to your attention something that was brought to my attention this weekend. Two sitting council members have spent the last few days accusing me of things I never did without any evidence, harassing me and cajoling their followers to do the same, doxxing me, stalking me, and causing me to fear for my safety and the safety of my family. This is nothing new to me, it is a pattern of behavior going back several years now. However, they recently discovered my name, and thus my address, and workplace and have been publishing that information to their followers with the hopes of some sort of vigilante justice being served for a perceived offense that never was. I hardly need to tell you that I am referring of course to Kacey Ann Morrison and Riley Carter. They have repeatedly verbally harassed me for the volunteer work I do in the community for the unhoused. They believe that I am some sort of violent political extremist who is terrorizing them.

My volunteer work is well known on the streets of this City and consists of feeding and clothing and taking care of those in need. I love and care for the population they have deemed disposable, so their politics have led them to the point of probable defamation. Their conspiracy theories have no bounds any longer. Kacey’s obsession with me has escalated to the point where she drives past my yelling my name! Not to mention this is literally the second time she has doxxed me after her last PISSED OFF RANT POST that was published in the Daily World for it’s conspiracy theory about Sydney Newbill. Riley Carter recently “scoped my house out” for *checks notes* code violations. This is definitely not his job and I fear the only reason he was out front of my house was the situation I am writing to you about tonight.

So, on Saturday night at 10:08 PM I received a text from a friend that was a screenshot of a post made in a group started by Riley Carter about two years ago called, “HEY TWEAKERS OF ABERDEEN, WA I WANT MY SHIT BACK!”. This is a group that is well known to us to host horrendous, dehumanizing, and often violent posts and comments from people who generally blame the unhoused and the poor for every woe that Aberdeen has. Every crime, every assault, every business closure, its all because of the unhoused to the people who engage in this group. So there is my face looking back at me from a post in this hate group, alongside my name, and a post explaining that apparently I had just threatened Riley Carter’s wife, Mya Hernandez, on Facebook. This was news to me and I was horrified that a council member had just doxxed me in his own private hate group. I had no recourse, no way to report it or comment back that it wasn’t I who had done this. Along with this came a slew of hateful comments about me and talk about where I lived and what people would like to see happen to me. Kacey Ann Morrison helpfully added to the conversation by informing the group where I work. After much, much digging I was able to piece together what happened. The basic story is as follows:

1. Mya Hernandez, Riley Carter’s wife, made a post reviewing Harbor Regional Health on Facebook expressing her rage and sorrow at the tragic loss of her recently passed child.

2. A long time troll harassed this review with the most detestable responses about her loss and clearly made Mya incredibly angry.

3. A very long (175+ comments) comment thread ensues in which they fight back and forth about a great many things, and at some point Mya asks this Facebook troll who he is. She offers three choices: Me, my ex-wife, and my friend. Out of nowhere, completely unprompted we are all thrust into this situation. The troll sees an opportunity and takes it.

4. A mere two comments later Mya says that she will “guess” that it is me. She names me as the perpetrator of this disgusting barrage of mean comments, including apparently what she took as multiple threats towards her. (This part is somewhat hard to piece together fully as the troll’s comments have all been deleted, likely by Harbor Regional Health)

5. By this time Kacey Ann Morrison and Riley Carter had joined the fight. Kacey Ann Morrison then posted a picture of the front of my house taken from Google street view, in order to further identify the troll as me, and identifying me as living at that house. (She has since deleted this and other comments)

6. Riley Carter then went to his private Facebook group and posted that it was in fact me who had just threatened to punch his wife in the face. He told his followers to “look out for me” and gave them my full name. Commenters then proceeded to point out where I lived and Kacey offered the information of where I work to the crowd.

7. The troll, at this time, is coming to me over Facebook and saying things like “hey some people think I’m you and I would watch out” and telling me that they had been stalking my house and even tagging Mya so she could she that we weren’t the same person.

8. I engage with the troll (who has a history of harassing me on Facebook) and tell him to stop harassing people and that whatever he has gone through in his life is no excuse for his behavior. He says “Enjoy the fight I’ve set up for you”.

9. My ex-wife takes all of this information we have learned: that this is a known troll doing this harassment campaign not me, to Mya over Facebook messenger and asks her to stop posting things that endanger the lives of her family. She refuses to listen to the evidence and is more determined than ever that it must be me.

This is the extent of the immediate situation as best as I can garner. As you can see, two sitting City council members have released personal and identifying information about me based on a literal guess. They had zero evidence that it was me, and still do not. Making such an accusation against a private citizen, calling them out for having threatened your wife, and then publishing my information amounts to stochastic terrorism. The chance that Kacey Morrison or Riley Carter are going to come to my house and attack me are slim to none, I know this. My fear is the loose cannon of a follower who decides that they’ve had enough of whatever slights they perceive and based on the information those two published is then able to locate and harm me or my family. It makes violent harm statistically more likely to occur against us. This is also bound to cause irreparable damage to my reputation as a professional in this town and my mental and physical well-being are also put under threat. Threat from the anxiety and fear this situation has created in my household. Threat from the potential for some random unhinged person who doesn’t read the retraction but remembers that I like to punch women in the face deciding to hurt me.

So, inform your in-house counsel of this matter wont you? I am sure they have their hands full with those two already, but this is quite urgent. I hope that this matter is taken as seriously by the City of Aberdeen as I am taking it. I do not have what one might call “lawyer money” but I do hope to see some consequences from these actions, as they form what I have already mentioned is a pattern of behavior that should be addressed before more are hurt (many of my friends have already died on the streets due to inhumane policies from the Aberdeen City council). I have linked to the associated screenshots of everything I have described here in a Google Drive folder, I removed my personally identifying information from the posts because I do not know what you will do with them and I don’t want them spread any further than they already have been. I think that it can easily be shown that one if not both of these council members did:

1. Make a false statement of fact about me;

2. Cause harm to befall me, through their statements; and

3. Act with “reckless disregard for the truth” by making the statements.

This is, as I understand it, against one of those laws you all are so fond of. I am curious what your next steps are. Awaiting your reply.

Google Drive folder:



Considering the event of today (Riley Carter’s arrest on 1st degree R*pe of a Child) I think my point is driven ever home. This man is dangerous, these people are dangerous. Please take swift and decisive action when the people who are tasked with being our leaders and making our decisions for us are obviously and heinously unstable. These are not behaviors becoming any adult, much less someone holding themselves out to be a leader, bestowed with such power as you wield over the vulnerable in this City.

Organizers in this town are routinely harassed, stalked, followed, and threatened by our local fascist contingent. These people have been hunting down personal information and attempting to intimidate organizers out of their work for years now. We at Sabot Media have published multiple instances of this occurring. Yet the resolve of these organizers is as resilient as ever. They will not be swayed from their goal of providing mutual aid within a struggling community in daily crisis. This recent push to evict and criminalize the unhoused is only going to bolster their ranks and quicken their organizing efforts. Good luck to Kacey Ann as she spirals further down the rabbit hole of her special brand of Christian Nationalism. Hopefully she is hanging her head in shame after getting stripped of her title, missing the last City council meeting, and deleting all her Facebook accounts. We are not even close to pushing for this woman to be stripped of every iota of power she has.

Aberdeen unhoused camp to be evicted August 7th

The Aberdeen City Council agreed unanimously to give the homeless populations who reside on River and State streets 30 days to vacate.

After the recent so-called Supreme Court decision in the Grant’s Pass case it is no longer unconstitutional for cities to cite or arrest people for camping in public spaces. Immediately following this decision local anti-homeless advocate and council member Kacey Ann Morrison called for a meeting about how to start enforcing the ordinance Aberdeen has had on the books for years but have been unable to enforce until now. At the meeting the public overwhelmingly commented in favor of not enforcing these ordinances. Many unhoused folx commented that, while they are working with local housing providers, they are still weeks or months away from being housed. Housing providers commented that they are all doing all they can with what there is but the extreme housing shortage is tying their hands.

Of note was the multiple comments in favor of seizing property from Terry Emmert and converting those properties into transitional housing and emergency shelter. During the meeting the council voted 8-0 to extend the deadline for eviction of the camp for 30 days. This means that on August 7th the City of Aberdeen will be evicting the unhoused cam from underneath the Cheahlis River Bridge permanently. Residents will be forced into the streets of Aberdeen and will be made to pack up their belongings every day at 6am and not set up camp until 11pm each night, with limits on how much space they can take up. The City is also considering passing a sit and lie ordinance that would make it so that people couldn’t sit or lie down during the times in which they are forced to be awake and mobile.

“If they don’t find shelter we now have a set of laws,” Clemens said. “Our officers will be educating them on what they can and cannot do, according to our code. The first encounter will be education. Our officers will make the homeless aware of the law and the resources available to them.”

The second encounter if the people aren’t responsive is a verbal warning.

The third encounter leads to a fine. The fourth encounter would lead to a custodial arrest.

This inhumane ordinance will be forcing people, many with mobility issues, to live on 7 hours or less of sleep and to pack up and move along so they are out of eyesight as much as possible for the pearl clutching quacks like our recently elected city council member Debbie Hodgkin (on the rare occasions she leaves her 8000 square foot mansion.) There is no doubt that Aberdeen’s Police Department’s fresh batch of hotblooded idiots won’t have a shred of empathy as they round up the camp’s residents. Not noted in the Daily World’s report on the council meeting, was after a long public comment section full of pleas from locals not to pass this ordinance, city council president Kacey Ann Morrison asked whether 4 hours parking limits could also be enforced under the Grants Pass decision.

The ongoing theme of our fascist city council was “concern”. Concern over sanitation, concern for the safety of the campers living less than twenty feet from the train tracks, concern over the garbage, rats, and needles. All problems manufactured by the City of Aberdeen and packaged as a new problem brought on by the unhoused. The familiar cycle of problems being created and “solutions” being offered have one end goal: The perpetuation of the City of Aberdeen and those in it’s positions of power. Their goal this cycle is to wear the homeless down until they die or leave Aberdeen.

Call to Action: 

The camp will be undergoing it’s final sweep and subsequent eviction early morning on August 7th. Show up to support the campers, yell at some cops, drop a banner off the freeway, sabotage heavy equipment, or let the city know that this won’t be tolerated in your own creative way!

Aberdeen city council member arrested for r*pe of a child

Riley Tyrel Carter, 39, was arrested for first-degree r*pe of a child late Tuesday night by the Aberdeen Police Department after a witness made contact with the police and made his initial appearance in Grays Harbor Superior Court the next afternoon. He was previously arrested in January for Domestic Violence charges. The Grays Harbor Sheriff’s office will be handling the case. In Washington, legal code defines first-degree rape of a child as an offense where the suspect has sexual intercourse with a child of younger than 12 where the suspect is at least 24 months older than the victim. It is a Class A Felony, according to the state government website. Judge Vini E. Samuel presided over the initial appearance. His arraignment is scheduled for Monday, in order to give Carter time to secure legal counsel, due to the severe gravity of the charges.

Police were contacted on Tuesday afternoon for a report of a sex offense against a minor, according to court documents. The victim was interviewed in the presence of their parent, stating that Carter had touched them sexually “a lot of times,” according to court documents, with incidents occurring over the last two years, as often as several times per week.

Carter reportedly would unplug the cameras in and around the victim’s room before the assaults, including that very morning, July 30th. After being questioned about the frequency of events involving sexual contact, Carter stated that the victim’s narrative of events, with a higher number of incidents, was true.

Carter almost ended his mess of a life, but couldn’t muster the courage to take his own life. Despite being rampantly and viciously “in defense of the children” for his whole career on the council, making comments daily about how dangerous Aberdeen is because of the unhoused. Carter declared his statement to be true, according to court documents, before being booked for first-degree rape of a child. Bail is currently set at $150,000.

No one in the City seems to have any comment due to the “sensitive” nature of the situation. The only person to comment so far is his partner on the City Council, Kacey Ann Morrison. She took the Facebook to publicly distance herself from him and call for his removal from the council. This is her way of getting ahead of people calling for her removal based on the hostility she has demonstrated in her tenure on the council and the poor judgement she has shown in associating so closely with Riley Carter. They had an executive session last council meeting to discuss this situation, one in which Kacey was mysteriously not present. They have yet to take any action such as removing him from the council or rebuking him officially in any way.

Fire breaks out at homeless camp

A fire broke out at a homeless camp in Aberdeen near State Street under the Chehalis River Bridge on Monday afternoon, killing two dogs, destroying property, and briefly shutting down the bridge. Fuel cans and live ammunition in the fire complicated the response, said Aberdeen Fire Chief Dave Golding. A call came in regarding a tent on fire, when they arrived fire crews put out the fire quickly. Six tents were destroyed in the blaze, but thankfully no people were injured.

Reports from camp are that people were throwing fireworks off the bridge into camp and that is what started the fire. This is not uncommon,with everything from trash to pipe bombs being hurled off the bridge at them. The Aberdeen Police Department is also investigating the possibility of criminal activity around the fire, said Cmdr. Steve Timmons of the APD.

Aberdeen city councilors rebuke Mayor Doug Orr

In the crowded, temporary council chambers on the third floor at Grays Harbor College’s tulalW Student Center, private residents and at least a couple city council members voiced their anger toward Aberdeen Mayor Doug Orr. They addressed multiple issues they have with Orr and with the city. One of the main issues was Doug’s recent social media post calling into question the events surrounding Trump’s assassination attempt. Once the post was disseminated through social media, it went “viral.” A conservative talk show in Seattle spoke to Orr about it. KOMO News spoke to Orr about it. And now, it’s a story that has gone international. Orr removed the post the same night that he sent it out, and then apologized about a day-and-a-half later. But, a lot of people aren’t satisfied by Orr’s apology, or that he’s the mayor, and now those people want him gone.

Another issue that got contentious at the meeting was the fire at camp recently. With pedophile and council member Riley Carter holding up a baggie of ammunition that was found at the fire. “Talking about the bullets yesterday, if anyone wants to see them I’ve got ‘em right here,” Carter said. “Just a little, small collection. We’ve got .40s, .45s, 9mm and .22 calibers just sitting there blowing up in the fire.”

Carter referred to “numerous, numerous, dangerous, scary things going on constantly,” and then read an attempted resolution of “no confidence in the mayor and the Homelessness Response Committee.” Orr heads that committee. Councilor Liz Ellis cut Carter off from finishing his reading in order to declare a point of order. She stated that he was not allowed to read a resolution right then according to their rules. As Kacey Ann recommended he read it as his opnion. He began to do so and people started jeering at him, clearly wanting him to move on. And then after some booing, someone yelled “Everyone! Shut the f—- up!” which momentarily quieted the room. After the brief interruption, Carter read his attempted resolution again, but this time as his opinion. Morrison backed him up and said how Carter was “reading it as his council report.”

Morrison followed this up with her own report which called for the censure of Doug Orr.

“This was originally intended to be a resolution of censure for Mayor Orr …” Morrison said. “Whereas it is customary and appropriate for officials in elected office to comport themselves in such situations with decorum and dignity by offering condolences to the victims, and whereas all leaders and community members rightfully condemn and disavow any and all political violence, and whereas on July 13, 2024, Mayor Douglas Orr failed to uphold the standards of decorum expected of those in a position of power during such tragedies and failed to condemn the political violence that took place that day …”

But, in the initial post, Orr did say “anyway you look at it, it was a horrific act,” in reference to what happened at the Trump rally.

Morrison said Orr also “further disparaged” members of the city council as “dysfunctional” and “demeaned outraged citizens with a different perspective” and how the situation “has brought great harm and embarrassment to our community and caused discord and rightful indignation among community members.”

Morrison said she wants to censure Orr for “conduct unbecoming of the high office he holds.”

Concern trolls expressed their continued outrage at the trash and fire hazards around camp, asking why it still exists. The City’s Homeless Response Committee, which until recently was headed by Kacey Ann, has been instrumental in sweeping the camp regularly and publishing the associated costs for people to complain about how much they are spending on it.

The unhoused residents who showed up are worried about what they’ll do once the encampment closes. On July 3, Aberdeen City Council voted to give the population who lives at the State and River street encampments 30 days to move. The countdown started that night, after council approval. Thursday, Aug. 2, marks 30 days.

Monthly Radical News Roundup:

Its time for our radical news roundup from other autonomous media organizations that we follow.
Unicorn Riot is a decentralized, educational 501(c)(3) non-profit media organization of journalists. Unicorn Riot engages and amplifies the stories of social and environmental struggles from the ground up. They seek to enrich the public by transforming the narrative with our accessible non-commercial independent content. You can find the following articles on their website at unicornriot.ninja

July 1, 2024 Recanted Jailhouse Testimonies Lead to Renewed Calls to Release Bobo and Ferguson
July 2, 2024 Critically Ill Children Leave Gaza for Treatment in Egypt
July 10, 2024 Interview: Breaking Down the Mahdi Ali Case
July 12, 2024 Protests Erupt in Utica After Brutal Police Killing of 13-Year-Old Refugee
July 14, 2024 ‘Mobile Field Force’ Policing Model Funded for Milwaukee Republican National Convention
July 15, 2024 Milwaukee RNC Opens with Protest March
July 17, 2024 Historic South African Election Dethrones Ruling Party ANC
July 17, 2024 A Deeper Look Into Project 2025, Far-Right Political Funding and Propaganda
July 18, 2024 RNC Protesters Speak on Immigration, LGBT Rights, Climate, Palestine & More
July 22, 2024 Artist EB Lewis Illustrates Social Injustice and Children’s Books
July 23, 2024Utica Streets Shut Down by 1,000 During Justice for Nyah Mway March
July 25, 2024 Predictive Policing and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games: Security vs. Freedom
July 30, 2024 Unveiling the Politics of Hindutva: A Review of ‘Parivaar: A Celebration of Community as Family’
August 5, 2024 Minneapolis Polluter Smith Foundry Will Cease East Phillips Operation August 15

It’s Going Down is a digital community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements across so-called North America. Their mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action. You can find the following articles on their website at itsgoingdown.org:
Crimethought is everything that evades control:

CrimethInc. is a rebel alliance. CrimethInc. is a banner for anonymous collective action. CrimethInc. is an international network of aspiring revolutionaries. CrimethInc. is a desperate venture.

2024-05-29 Louise Michel in New Caledonia
2024-05-30 A Virtual Tour of Priamukhino, the Bakunin Family Estate and Museum
2024-06-03 Against Apartheid and Tyranny:For the Liberation of Palestine and All the Peoples of the Middle East—A Statement from Iranian Exiles
2024-06-17 Six Months in a Neoliberal Dystopia:Social Cannibalism versus Mutual Aid and Resistance in Argentina
2024-06-18 Anarchist Techno Attacks:Remembering Reclaim the Streets
2024-06-25 The Disaster Is Already Here:Anarchists in Southern Brazil on the Floods of May 2024
2024-07-11 Why Stop at Removing Biden?:The Center Cannot Hold


Segment one:

City Council Members Riley Carter and Kacey Ann Morrison Doxx Local Organizer

Welcome back to Mokotov Now! We have obtained a letter from the affected organizer that they sent to City hall. It also includes links to all the screenshots in question released with permission of the organizer being targeted:

So here we are at last,

The vitriol and violent rhetoric coming from members of the Aberdeen City Council has reached a point that people are being put into real danger. I am writing to bring to your attention something that was brought to my attention this weekend. Two sitting council members have spent the last few days accusing me of things I never did without any evidence, harassing me and cajoling their followers to do the same, doxxing me, stalking me, and causing me to fear for my safety and the safety of my family. This is nothing new to me, it is a pattern of behavior going back several years now. However, they recently discovered my name, and thus my address, and workplace and have been publishing that information to their followers with the hopes of some sort of vigilante justice being served for a perceived offense that never was. I hardly need to tell you that I am referring of course to Kacey Ann Morrison and Riley Carter. They have repeatedly verbally harassed me for the volunteer work I do in the community for the unhoused. They believe that I am some sort of violent political extremist who is terrorizing them.

My volunteer work is well known on the streets of this City and consists of feeding and clothing and taking care of those in need. I love and care for the population they have deemed disposable, so their politics have led them to the point of probable defamation. Their conspiracy theories have no bounds any longer. Kacey’s obsession with me has escalated to the point where she drives past my house yelling my name! Not to mention this is literally the second time she has doxxed me after her last PISSED OFF RANT POST that was published in the Daily World for it’s conspiracy theory about Sydney Newbill. Riley Carter recently “scoped my house out” for *checks notes* code violations. This is definitely not his job and I fear the only reason he was out front of my house was the situation I am writing to you about tonight.

So, on Saturday night at 10:08 PM I received a text from a friend that was a screenshot of a post made in a group started by Riley Carter about two years ago called, “HEY TWEAKERS OF ABERDEEN, WA I WANT MY SHIT BACK!”. This is a group that is well known to us to host horrendous, dehumanizing, and often violent posts and comments from people who generally blame the unhoused and the poor for every woe that Aberdeen has. Every crime, every assault, every business closure, its all because of the unhoused to the people who engage in this group. So there is my face looking back at me from a post in this hate group, alongside my name, and a post explaining that apparently I had just threatened Riley Carter’s wife, Mya Hernandez, on Facebook. This was news to me and I was horrified that a council member had just doxxed me in his own private hate group. I had no recourse, no way to report it or comment back that it wasn’t I who had done this. Along with this came a slew of hateful comments about me and talk about where I lived and what people would like to see happen to me. Kacey Ann Morrison helpfully added to the conversation by informing the group where I work. After much, much digging I was able to piece together what happened. The basic story is as follows:

1. Mya Hernandez, Riley Carter’s wife, made a post reviewing Harbor Regional Health on Facebook expressing her rage and sorrow at the tragic loss of her recently passed child.

2. A long time troll harassed this review with the most detestable responses about her loss and clearly made Mya incredibly angry.

3. A very long (175+ comments) comment thread ensues in which they fight back and forth about a great many things, and at some point Mya asks this Facebook troll who he is. She offers three choices: Me, my ex-wife, and my friend. Out of nowhere, completely unprompted we are all thrust into this situation. The troll sees an opportunity and takes it.

4. A mere two comments later Mya says that she will “guess” that it is me. She names me as the perpetrator of this disgusting barrage of mean comments, including apparently what she took as multiple threats towards her. (This part is somewhat hard to piece together fully as the troll’s comments have all been deleted, likely by Harbor Regional Health)

5. By this time Kacey Ann Morrison and Riley Carter had joined the fight. Kacey Ann Morrison then posted a picture of the front of my house taken from Google street view, in order to further identify the troll as me, and identifying me as living at that house. (She has since deleted this and other comments)

6. Riley Carter then went to his private Facebook group and posted that it was in fact me who had just threatened to punch his wife in the face. He told his followers to “look out for me” and gave them my full name. Commenters then proceeded to point out where I lived and Kacey offered the information of where I work to the crowd.

7. The troll, at this time, is coming to me over Facebook and saying things like “hey some people think I’m you and I would watch out” and telling me that they had been stalking my house and even tagging Mya so she could she that we weren’t the same person.

8. I engage with the troll (who has a history of harassing me on Facebook) and tell him to stop harassing people and that whatever he has gone through in his life is no excuse for his behavior. He says “Enjoy the fight I’ve set up for you”.

9. My ex-wife takes all of this information we have learned: that this is a known troll doing this harassment campaign not me, to Mya over Facebook messenger and asks her to stop posting things that endanger the lives of her family. She refuses to listen to the evidence and is more determined than ever that it must be me.

This is the extent of the immediate situation as best as I can garner. As you can see, two sitting City council members have released personal and identifying information about me based on a literal guess. They had zero evidence that it was me, and still do not. Making such an accusation against a private citizen, calling them out for having threatened your wife, and then publishing my information amounts to stochastic terrorism. The chance that Kacey Morrison or Riley Carter are going to come to my house and attack me are slim to none, I know this. My fear is the loose cannon of a follower who decides that they’ve had enough of whatever slights they perceive and based on the information those two published is then able to locate and harm me or my family. It makes violent harm statistically more likely to occur against us. This is also bound to cause irreparable damage to my reputation as a professional in this town and my mental and physical well-being are also put under threat. Threat from the anxiety and fear this situation has created in my household. Threat from the potential for some random unhinged person who doesn’t read the retraction but remembers that I like to punch women in the face deciding to hurt me.

So, inform your in-house counsel of this matter wont you? I am sure they have their hands full with those two already, but this is quite urgent. I hope that this matter is taken as seriously by the City of Aberdeen as I am taking it. I do not have what one might call “lawyer money” but I do hope to see some consequences from these actions, as they form what I have already mentioned is a pattern of behavior that should be addressed before more are hurt (many of my friends have already died on the streets due to inhumane policies from the Aberdeen City council). I have linked to the associated screenshots of everything I have described here in a Google Drive folder, I removed my personally identifying information from the posts because I do not know what you will do with them and I don’t want them spread any further than they already have been. I think that it can easily be shown that one if not both of these council members did:

1. Make a false statement of fact about me;

2. Cause harm to befall me, through their statements; and

3. Act with “reckless disregard for the truth” by making the statements.

This is, as I understand it, against one of those laws you all are so fond of. I am curious what your next steps are. Awaiting your reply.

Google Drive folder:


Considering the event of today (Riley Carter’s arrest on 1st degree R*pe of a Child) I think my point is driven ever home. This man is dangerous, these people are dangerous. Please take swift and decisive action when the people who are tasked with being our leaders and making our decisions for us are obviously and heinously unstable. These are not behaviors becoming any adult, much less someone holding themselves out to be a leader, bestowed with such power as you wield over the vulnerable in this City.


Burnin’ It Down – Steve Earl

Segment two:

Welcome back to Molotov Now! Its time for us to analyze the article we’ve just examined and talk about what the hell is going on in Aberdeen right now.

So, it must be said that in addition to the content discussed in the article we also need to talk about the eviction of the unhoused camp that just took place here recently. The City of Aberdeen took full advantage of the lay up from the Supreme Court decision in Grant’s Pass. Sweeping, for the last time, the river st encampment on August 7th, just days before recording this. We have barely had time to process and the after effects have yet to even show up. People have scattered far and wide and those looking to provide them aid are finding it very difficult compared to last week.

We cannot hammer home enough how genocidal the City’s new ordinances are. The sit and lie ordinance in effect from 6am to 11pm throughout downtown bans sitting or lying down on the sidewalks of Aberdeen. The City even removed the last few public benches yesterday to make sure no one had anything left.

The camping ordinance bans camping and the use of camping paraphernalia such as tents, sleeping bags, blankets, tarps, and cooking equipment. This is City-wide and 24/7, so no one has any options left to them. There is nothing left but the trauma of being attacked by your own City so thoroughly.

Another major issue right now is the enforcement. We had to learn through the newspaper The Daily World that the police plan to let individual officers use their personal discretion in deciding how, when, and where to enforce these ordinances. So the young, hot, under the collar fascists will be going wild with arrests, while we may see some relative compassion and leniency from the few remaining older officers who have established long term relationships with the unhoused in town. Some people will get arrested for something one day when it was ok the previous and people will need to up the respect they show to those cops for fear of arbitrary arrests.

The hater mongers in town are beyond ecstatic about this. They think they have solved the issue. They believe that all people needed was this push and they’ll get housed now. Poof, like that. So, we are calling it now. We may seem some temporary reduction in the number of people on the streets while folx in crisis reach out to family or friends for a couch or backyard to stay in. But that isn’t permanent housing, and permanent housing doesn’t exist in sufficient amounts for everyone in need right now. So, people will eventually be back out on the streets with even fewer options.

So, it remains to be seen how truly devastating this eviction will prove to be, time will tell. But with winter approaching soon, it is time to be thinking about the interaction between not being able to have any sort of protection from the elements and surviving a winter in Aberdeen.

Let’s move on now to talking about these crazy kids on the Aberdeen City Council. So, it turns out the vehemently patriotic Trumper, protect our children guy, Riley Carter is a self-confessed pedophile. We wont get into the details of the crime itself as it obviously involves a minor, but we cannot do justice without speaking about the man who committed those crimes and the environment he came up in politically.

For context, Riley and his wife and their family moved here in 2022 from outside Grays Harbor. They immediately found it gross and dirty, crime-ridden, and ran by LIBERAL DEMONCRATS, or whatever. They quickly started a group on Facebook and called it HEY TWEAKERS OF ABERDEEN, WA I WANT MY SHIT BACK. This group soon became the nexus point for all the hate filled fascists in town who have been chomping at the bit to just be allowed to run a purge on the unhoused. They poured in with violent and dehumanizing rhetoric about the poor and vulnerable people living on our streets, those most at risk for theft and violence.

Soon enough consorting with the local fascists wasn’t big and bold enough for Riley and he decided to run for a seat on City Council. His campaign, if you wanna call it that, was mostly him ranting about these non-issues on his TikTok to his tens of followers. It involved all the worst sort of dog whistles and calls for basically executing the homeless one can imagine coming from the mouth of someone as vile as him. He was then elected to his seat in 2023. He spent his time in office doing lots of immature whining about problems he personally had with the unhoused, as well as blustery speeches meant for prime-time viewing that were always filled with lies, veiled threats, false accusations, misinformation, and, occasionally, outright slander.

Now that he has resigned from jail due to his being a disgusting pedophile his vacant seat will be essentially sold to the highest bidder by the remaining members of the council who now get to choose from the list of whoever chooses to apply for the position over the next few weeks. Democracy.

As for Kacey Ann Morrison, now stripped of her duties as Council President. She has vanished from public view for the time being because she truly is not an idiot, she will lay low for a while. She knows she overexposed herself on this one, both in the doxxing of local organizers, and the full throated support and grooming of Riley Carter that she engaged in over the last year. But rest assured we are not done hearing from her. She will be back complaining about how ineffective HER plan to evict the unhoused from camp has been at tackling the issue of homelessness in Aberdeen. She has perfected the subtle art of manufacturing problems so that you can preserve the institutions of power and the status quo forever. She has gotten exactly what she wanted for so many years, and still she will complain and push for even harsher policies. Mark our words. If we do not remove her from power she will turn this whole City into an open air prison.

The new Mayor of Aberdeen Doug Orr also supported the passing of these new ordinances and the eviction of the camp. He has been more quiet in his desire to harm them since taking office, but it still stays with him. We always are reminding people of this man’s hatred of the poor and unhoused, and his general instability as a person. Along with his pre-mayoral campaign homeless bashing he has also threatened to shoot the admins of our meme page Aberdeen Local 1312 for their support of our unhoused friends, as well as yelled obscenities on a public street in front of families at local organizers sharing content from Sabot Media about who NOT to vote for at Doug’s own annual Rainglow event, a list that included Doug Orr and Debbie Pieracinni. He may have also been Blue-pilled into dreaming up conspiracy theories about staged Donald Trump assassinations. This stupidity actually went viral somehow and again Aberdeen was thrust into the national spotlight for the absolute worst reasons.

The poor in Aberdeen, well the world really, can’t catch a break. From Gaza to Aberdeen genocidal government campaigns of terror endanger those in our world who most deserve protection. Whether it is Yemen, Sudan, Palestine, or Grays Harbor the oppressed everywhere share a voice in calling for the cessation of crimes against humanity, the strengthening of networks of resiliency, and the resources necessary to heal.


C: This town has been through some of the most topical and profound situations in recent years. Things that highlight and speak to systemic issues found in every corner of our country. We have stories that can inspire action in people and provoke deep consideration of the state of our world economic system. We have people who can touch the lives of others on a level not often seen in today’s algorithmically charged media landscape. Yet we get caricatured as a po-dunk little town full of addicts and hillbillies looking for either handouts or guns, too busy fighting among each other to focus on solving our staggering list of never-ending problems.

S: But Aberdeen’s problems are capitalism’s problems, they are the commodification of housing as a resource one must purchase. It is the brutality of the police that enforce laws disproportionately and with obvious discrimination towards the poor and vulnerable. It is the countless local and State policies that keep people from accessing health care, meaningful jobs, education, or resources capable of lifting people out of poverty. It is the system that keeps us oppressed and trampled under its boot. Everything that keeps us disconnected from each other, alienated and alone in our bubbles of hopelessness and apathy.

C: The solution is action, direct action taken by people to effect change in their neighborhoods, where they live. The solution is community organizing, the one big union, collectivism, and empathy. We need each other more than anything, it is community we so desperately lack. Community that we fight for every day. It isn’t a fight we can lose or give up. It is a fight built into the very fabric of our material reality, the necessity for continued survival, the urge to resist oppression.

S: The cracking of our tired joints is the music we play to announce our second wind, our second season. Thank you for joining us for this first episode back, thanks for supporting this podcast and making our lives richer for it. Here at Molotov Now! we believe that it is real life connections between people that is worth building. If you feel the same, join us, we want your story and your story is worth telling. Come tell it.


Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Molotov Now! We hope you found it informative and inspiring. Our goal with the podcast is to reach out beyond our boundaries and connect the happenings in our small town with the struggles going on in major urban centers. We want to talk to you if your a big city organizer, we think we have a lot you can learn from, and we know you have much to teach us. If you would like to come on the show please email us at sabot_media@riseup.net with the header “Molotov Now!” and we will be in touch about setting up an interview and crafting an episode to feature you.

We want to give a shout out to our friends at:

  • C: Sabotage Noise Productions for putting on awesome benefit shows, including one for The Blackflower Collective, and for being all around awesome people who help us with the upcoming events section of this podcast.
  • S: The South Florida Anti-Repression Committee who have launched a solidarity campaign for two individuals facing 12 years for an alleged graffiti attack on a fake Christian anti-choice clinic that does not provide any reproductive care. This Federal overreach and use of the FACE Act, an act meant to protect people visiting reproductive clinics from harassment, is unprecedented. To support this solidarity campaign please visit bit.ly/freeourfighters
  • C: We want to thank The Blackflower Collective for their continued support and wish them luck in their fundraising efforts. To support them or learn more their website is blackflowercollective.noblogs.org.
  • S: Kolektiva, the anarchist mastodon server, is growing faster than ever thanks to Elon Musk’s stupidity as many activists close their accounts for bluer skies as can be seen in the fluctuation of followers over on IGD’s socials, join at kolektiva.social and follow us and other online activists on decentralized federated internet.
  • C: Chehalis River Mutual Aid Network is holding a fundraiser for their weekly meals with Food Not Bombs. To donate visit linktr.ee/crmutualaidnet
  • S: The Communique is looking for artist and upcoming event submissions, please write to sabot_media@riseup.net to submit your entry.
  • C: Thank you to Pixel Passionate for producing our soundtrack, please check out their website at www.radicalpraxisclothing.com and check out their portfolio in our show notes
  • S: and Thank you to the Channel Zero Anarchist Podcast Network. We are proud to be members of a network that creates and shares leading critical analysis, news, and actions from an anarchist perspective.

Remember to check out sabot media’s new website for new episodes, articles, comics, and columns. We have new content all the time. Make sure you follow, like, and subscribe on your favorite corporate data mining platform of choice and go ahead and make the switch to federated social media on the kolektiva mastodon server today @AberdeenLocal1312 for updates on Sabot Media projects such as The Harbor Rat Report, The Saboteurs, The Communique, our podcast Molotov Now! and many other upcoming projects.

That’s all for tonight. Please remember to spay and neuter your cats and don’t forget to cast your votes at those who deserve them.
Solidarity Comrades,
This is Molotov Now! Signing off

Music this Episode:

Swap Meet (Remastered) – Nirvana
Burnin’ It Down – Steve Earl
The Window Smashing Job Creators To My Comrades
I’ve Never Been Here Before – It’s Raining Again (Official Music Video)
AGGRO LIVE @ SHERWOOD DIY 09/09/23 (Full Set)
The Rat Utopia Experiment – Part/Whole (Official Music Video)
Blood and Bones – The Phantom Pines